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Service call:13723581296 Mr Lee  / 13751381190 Mr Chen中文
  • Large package Needle


    Needle Detector For Carton Big boxes conveyor needle detector machine is a special custom insoles shoes material used to detect the whole package of large packaging check needle machine, and can be used to check for toys, clothing, shoes, plastic products, chemical industry, leather, knitting and other large, heavy packaging need to detect ferromagnetic metal impurity industry, used to detect inclusions or lost in the raw material or product needle, nails, screws, blades, tools, wire and other metal foreign body. Can choose handbags and pigment dyeing and printing industry effect balanced functions were ruled out. Can also be used for food processing enterprises need to rule out only about the detection of ferromagnetic metal aluminum piece packing

  • Salesman


Home Products Case Tel


13723581296 Mr Lee  / 13751381190 Mr Chen

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